Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Some rules

There´s a lot of blogs out there (I think it´s called the blogosphere?) many written by travellers looking for life changing experiences. And, regardless of the country or region they all seem to sound the same.

So, I will try and avoid the referring to warm hearted peasants, crazed bus drivers and stunning scenery.

Instead I´ll tell you what it´s like living with a local family, learning Spanish in a short space of time and perhaps share a few lines with those of you who are fluent.

I´ll also try and convey what it´s like living in the second poorest country in the Americas. A country recovering from a protracted civil war, beset by natural disasters that recently re elected the former guerrilla leader Daniel Ortega after a 17 year break.

If I do happen to see the most amazing scenery whilst on a white knuckle bus journey sat next to a beaming peasant then I may have to tell you about it.

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