Wednesday, 4 April 2007

One to One with a former freedom fighter

Today was my first day on Leon, Nicaragua. Having lapped the square with the iconic cathedral far too many times I decided to take shelter from the oppressive 36 degree heat in the Galeria de heroes y martires. A small museum run by former guerrillas detailing the history of the civil war.

Sadly the main man - who is known to do a good tour in basic English - wasn´t about. So I told the Spanish guide I could speak ´poco Espanol´(a little) and would take his tour. He proceeded to talk animatedly for 45 minutes about the struggle to which I nodded and said ´Si, si´.

At the end of the tour he smiled and said ány questions´, that, I could comprehend.

Unfortunately having only understood about one word in ten and having no idea how or what question to form, I smiled and said no thanks.

I then left the bemused ex Sandinista with a promise in bad Spanish to return after my course and do the tour again.

My Spanish is hopeless. Lessons start next week.

1 comment:

Carly said...

Hey Phil
Fab blog - what a great idea! Can't wait to have a conversation in Spanish when you get back - you will obviously be fluent and I will recuerdo nada!
Keep it up. I look forward to tuning in.