Wednesday, 9 May 2007

The next Alan Sugar

Most of the water here is sold in small plastic bags. You chew the top off the bag and suck it out in one. They´re sold everywhere.

On a recent bus journey we pulled into town and the usual mass of hawkers barged onto the bus selling the usual stuff; biscuits, ice cream, fizzy drinks and water.

Outside the bus was a young entreprenuer who´d found himself a carrier bag, like you would get from Tesco, filled it up to the brim with water and stuck a straw in the top. He was selling it for the bargain price of 10p. The journey had been so hot and dusty I was about ready to down a shopping bag´s worth of water. I was a little concerned about hygene factor though. So instead manage to find a chap with a dusty bottle of water.

After a couple of minutes everyone drank up, threw their empty bags out of the window - as everyone does in Nica - and off we went.

Top marks for initiative though.

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